You need to take special care when it comes to deciding on furniture for an infant's room to keep your child safe. Furniture pieces can pose many different hazards to infants and babies, but there are always baby-proof options available that will help you rest assured that your child is safe.
Laying out the design of your baby room isn't complete until you've looked into all the possible hazards that furniture pieces and room fixtures pose. The following are a few of the most important tips for ensuring that safety is maximized in your baby's bedroom:
- Use furniture wall straps- Heavy furniture pieces like dressers and bookshelves might appear sturdy. However, it's easy to imagine that they'll tip over quickly if your child tries climbing on them. Keep heavy furniture pieces from posing detrimental hazards to your child with wall straps that keep tall furniture pieces standing upright.
- Get rid of choking hazards- Any item that's small enough to fit into a toilet paper roll could pose a choking hazard to a young child. Children might be able to remove furniture pieces like knobs and handles. Look out for furniture pieces with baby-proof knobs, handles, and other small pieces if you want to eradicate your child's room of choking hazards.
- Wall mount when possible- Small children will have trouble brewing mischief with items placed on wall mounted furniture pieces that they cannot reach. Wall mounted TV stands, bookshelves, and shelving units will prevent children from accessing small items and accessories that they can knock over or chew on.
- Avoid drop-side cribs- A variety of different safety problems have been associated with drop-side cribs, which were once a very popular type of crib design. In 2010, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission issued warnings regarding the potentially deadly hazards of this type of crib.
- Use non-toxic paints and sealants- It should go without saying that your baby is going to put everything in his or her mouth. This makes it extremely important to avoid applying toxics paints or sealants to furniture to which your child has access. If you'd like to paint or apply sealant a piece of wooden furniture, you'll need to put some research into products that are child-safe.
- Find furniture with rounded edges- Sharp corners are bad news when it comes to keeping young children safe. Young toddlers have a tendency to stumble about and trip, so using cushions around furniture edges is a good idea.
- Protect little fingers with doorstops- Protect infants and babies by using doorstops, drawer stops, and childproof devices from places like the Baby Furniture Warehouse Store that prevent windows from shutting down on kids' fingers.